Hunting for Credits

Hunting for Credits Game Design Document

The concept of the game is to have a fun to play board game that pokes fun at college life at Hunter and turns it into an interesting competitive game that somewhat mimics how us students go through life at Hunter.

We came up with the idea while we we’re talking about how the registration process at Hunter is at times comedic with how difficult it is to sometimes sign up for classes and how Cunyfirst and Blackboard are somewhat inefficient at the job they’re supposed to do. We designed the game around the everyday Hunter student who has experienced the problems or joy of going to Hunter. The cards in that we used as a part of the game help convey this message help to signify this by portraying events that everyone at Hunter has at least heard of such as CunyFirst glitching out preventing students to sign up for classes only to have the class they wanted be taken once the glitch was resolved and how students are sometimes forced to make hard decisions such as being forced to work a long shift the day before a midterm or test and end up not doing as well on their exams because of it. As a board game we feel that the situations that players go through while playing the game will be somewhat realistic and akin to the situations that many Hunter College students face and will allow for a greater connection to the game and ultimately make the game more fun.

The goal of the game is to go through four years of college which is represented by a revolution around the game board. The rules are simple. At the start of every turn you are given the option to buy up to 2 credits that turn which increase in value depending on the year that you are on. After you purchase your credits you roll a dice and you move the amount of spaces indicated by your dice roll. Depending on the space that you land you may be able to draw a card which has an effect. The only real reward of the game is winning however actions you take throughout the game may make winning easier and therefore more rewarding at the end.

Some assets that our game will be using are some basic one found in most board games. We will be using dice for movement and cards designed by ourselves to determine events that occur in the game. Play money will be used for purchasing credits and credits will be in the form of tokens. Player pieces will be represented by legos and how far a player has come along in the game will be represented by how many lego pieces are on their piece.

 Implementation of the game is easy. Our group used simple items for the game. An interesting aspect of the game though is the use of legos as the tokens for the players. The use of legos adds some creativity and uniqueness in the pieces as each student at Hunter is unique in their own way.

Successfulness of the game will come simply in the form of player enjoyment. If we’re able to make the players laugh and see the similarities between the board game and the events at Hunter College then we will be able to deem our game a success.



The average players turn:



Conditions for winning the game:


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